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Pedo Rump to testify today about his rape charges


Posted 2:08 pm, 04/30/2023

Hey FakerscumbagConrad,
Is it time to "step up your game?" ROFLMAO

WebSynonyms for CHARGE: indictment, count, allegation, accusation, complaint, rap, plea, impeachment

What spin, hypocrite?


Posted 2:04 pm, 04/30/2023

Hey max, have you ever noticed how we continue to post cogent comments regarding the initiation, title, intent AND evidence of this, rosetok's bogus thread, while 'ol jokerjester'ssuckin' continues to post personal attacks, tsudip distractions AND an overwhelming desire to control AND sensor the flow with false accusations, statements AND allegations?


Posted 2:01 pm, 04/30/2023

Project and distract whenever you don't have an answer.

What's your goal here? It's likely too ludicrous to admit.


Posted 1:21 pm, 04/30/2023

If that happens to be your opinion,why does it seem to bother you so much? Explain why you feel the need to try and and take control of the narrative? roseterde its self does not seem be any where near as concerned as you are about the discussion.


Posted 1:10 pm, 04/30/2023

Your question about Carroll is irrelevant as to what you're trying to do here. The bigger question here on this forum is why you two boyzzz are still OCD with this thread?

Try hard, you can't look any dumber.


Posted 12:51 pm, 04/30/2023

E Jean Carroll charges that Trump raped her years ago

Wonder why Ms Carroll cant remember just which which year it supposedly occurred?

In the United States, there are two bodies of law whose purpose is to deter or punish serious wrongdoing or to compensate the victims of such wrongdoing. Criminal law deals with behavior that is or can be construed as an offense against the public, society, or the state�even if the immediate victim is an individual. Examples are murder, assault, theft,and drunken driving. Civil law deals with behavior that constitutes an injury to an individual or other private party, such as a corporation. Examples are defamation (including libel and slander), breach of contract, negligence resulting in injury or death, and property damage.


Posted 12:51 pm, 04/30/2023

Hey jestersuckin'nadas, why do YOU feel compelled to distract rosetok's bogus thread by starting yet another fake argument, this time about the legal interpretation of the meaning of the word "charges"?


Posted 12:43 pm, 04/30/2023

E Jean Carroll charges that Trump raped her years ago. She didn't report it to the police at the time. She alleges that her dress, worn at the time she charges he raped her, has Trump's dna on it.

A citizen can charge, or accuse, claim, or allege that someone raped them. The legal system can also charge someone with a crime.

Maxi is obsessively playing games for months as a way of attempting to control what Rose posts. Rose gets the last laugh.


Posted 12:42 pm, 04/30/2023

Definitions from Oxford LanguagesLearn more
an action or omission that constitutes an offense that may be prosecuted by the state and is punishable by law.
"shoplifting was a serious crime"


Posted 12:31 pm, 04/30/2023

POTUS My bad


Posted 12:30 pm, 04/30/2023

You know some where out there is a 4 year old little girl. Whose mom is a stripper ,her dad a crack head. And her grandpa is POUTUS. Bet thats Trumps fault to isn't it


Posted 12:25 pm, 04/30/2023


Posted 12:18 pm, 04/30/2023

Too bad it is not hunter and his child sniffing dad. Funny how they try to charge Trump for all they are guilty for......

Actually, it is the other way around. Trump does the crime and the trumpettes accuse Biden of the crime. You totally want to overlook Trump watching young girls undressing and beating and raping a 13-year-old.


Posted 12:23 pm, 04/30/2023

Fact Check this Has Donald Trump been charged with the CRIME of rape in any Criminal Court in the US.


Posted 12:20 pm, 04/30/2023

WebSynonyms for CHARGE: indictment, count, allegation, accusation, complaint, rap, plea, impeachment

What spin, hypocrite?


Posted 12:19 pm, 04/30/2023

Just what date did this alleged crime take place? And who was the first officer on the scene?


Posted 12:18 pm, 04/30/2023

Too bad it is not hunter and his child sniffing dad. Funny how they try to charge Trump for all they are guilty for......


Posted 12:17 pm, 04/30/2023

Keep it spinning! LMAO


Posted 12:07 pm, 04/30/2023

Huff some more.


Posted 12:04 pm, 04/30/2023

My guess is that Trump paid a pretty price to get those things lost. We all know how easy it is to buy a cop.


Posted 12:02 pm, 04/30/2023

Wonder where the Police report got lost, along with the rape kit, And the investigating officers report on the suspects interview?

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